
Download the official team photo for spring season 2025!

Download the official team photo for spring season 2025!

| wed 12.3.2025, Nagy Krisztián, foto: Lelkes Ernő

Click to download the official team photo for spring season 2024/2025!

Back row: Yhoan Andzouana, Fortune Bassey, Mateus Brunetti, Viktor Djukanović, Matej Trusa, Milan Dimun, Pablo Ortiz, Taras Kacharaba, Bartol Barišić, Alejandro Mendez, Mahmudu Bajo, Karol Blaško, Rhyan Modesto, Christián Herc, Márk Csinger

Second row: Maria Blanco (nutritionist), Ammar Ramadan, Tsotne Kapanadze, Martin Jenčuš, Levente Bősze, Aleksandar Popović, Attila Németh, Lendro Filipe, Máté Tuboly, Damir Redzic, Romaric Yapi, Alioune Sylla, Katarína Csikmák (sport psychologist)

Front row: Marián Gódány (kitman), Ábel Cséfalvay (masseur), Csaba Csetényi (video analyst), Dávid Macsicza (video analyst), Pavol Hrnčiarik (goalkeeper coach), Ladislav Kubalík (assistant coach), Branislav Fodrek (head coach), Antonio Muňoz (assistant coach), Csaba Gábriš (fitness coach), Bence Házi (fitness coach), Attila Hajdu (physio), Márton Domsitz (physio), Ábel Csányi (team manager), Vojtech Nagy (masseur)